Monday, March 14, 2011

I think spring is finally starting to give us hope with the few warm days we have had. The students have finished the science unit and a new one on weather will be coming. We have been keeping weather data since September and right now there is much in the papers and news. Please save any papers, magazines or articles and send them into school.

During the next month we will be studying about China and other Asian countries. We will learn about the geography, climate the people and their culture. We have a mini museum set up in the room in case anyone would like to add to it. The students will have a project due the week before vacation so you will be hearing about that soon!

This week the students will be taking the Unit 7 math assessment and the science assessment on solid and liquids.

We are learning 2 new cursive letters each week so by the end of the year they will know all the lower case letters.

I know with the good weather coming it is hard to get the reading completed each night but it is important that they keep reading and don't forget to sign the sheet. It costs them 5 minutes of recess if they forget to have you sign their form. ;(

We are writing and reading and working hard each day! Have a good week!