Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Family and Friends of 2-1,
This is our big day! All the children are ready to explain their projects to you and welcome you to 2-1's Butterfly House.
There is no reading this weekend and there will be no homework next week or reading during the holidays. There will be reading folders sent home on Monday and Tuesday.
My wish for all is to have a safe and happy holiday with your families.

My Best,
Mrs. Goodyear

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December News

Hi Everyone,
It was great to meet with everyone and discuss your child's progress. This month we are studying about Mexico, volcanoes, and finishing our butterfly projects. Please send in a large piece of poster board for your child to construct their 3-D butterfly. We will do as much as we can in school but I may need to ask for a little help from home. Other items that may be useful are paper towel and toilet paper tubes, pipe cleaners, styro-foam ball for head and colored tissue paper. For some reason I can't access my g-mail account so if you look at this, please let other parents know! As we get closer to the holiday, I try to ease up on the homework a little to give everyone time with family activities. Thanks for all your help. Mrs. Goodyear